Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We made it!!!

We made it through IKE!!! We were only without power for about a day; and we just got internet back!!! YAY!! But not everyone has been so lucky. There are many many people without water, power, or any of the things we take for granted. But everything is slowly coming back. The stores are getting milk and eggs now; and supposedly there are more gas stations with gas; but we haven't seen them yet. This whole thing has made me realize how vulnerable we really are; without power we are NOTHING!! This has also made me think about how bad this whole event is for the environment. With people driving long distances to get gas; trucks having to drive long distances to bring supplies, and everyone throwing EVERYTHING in the just makes me wanna cry. I have been recycling everything that I can to make me feel better; but it still makes me sad. If you would like to know of somewhere to recycle ANYTHING (here is the link) !!! =)

I have attached some pics (not my own; but were sent to me).... prepare yourself they are not easy to see.


Krista said...

I'm glad you guys made it through the storm. After Isabel, we were without power for 21 days and without water for 12. Half of the trees on our street came down on the houses and most people lost at least part of their roof. It was like a war zone for months. I feel for you and for all the victims of Ike.

Silja Erg said...

this is crazy!